Commitment to Privacy ("MMT") is owned and operated by Move Me To Inc.

At MMT, we respect our visitors' privacy and are committed to keeping your personal information accurate, confidential, secure, and private. Therefore, we have adopted the following privacy policy to ensure that MMT continues to meet its commitment to your privacy.

The following sections read as a whole, constitute the MMT Privacy Policy:


MMT provides a real estate search and property inquiry service to the general public. MMT may collect certain personal information about its visitors with their consent in providing these services.

"Personal Information" means information about an identifiable individual. This may include, without limitation, the individual's first and last name, email address, phone number and home address.

The MMT Privacy Policy is based on and complies with Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA"). For more information about this legislation, please visit the official website of the Privacy Commission of Canada at

This Privacy Policy describes the principles MMT follows to ensure that we protect your Personal Information when we collect, use, or disclose it during inquiry activities. All employees with access to Personal Information must adhere to the MMT Privacy Policy and related procedures.

The Principles of Privacy

The following principles govern our actions as they relate to the use of Personal Information:

  1. Accountability
  2. Identifying Purposes
  3. Consent
  4. Limiting Collection
  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
  6. Accuracy
  7. Safeguarding personal information

Principle 1: Accountability

MMT is accountable for all Personal Information in its possession or custody, including Personal Information disclosed to third parties to provide services requested by you.

Principle 2: Identifying Purposes

MMT will inform you of the purposes for which it collects any Personal Information before or when it is collected.

Principle 3: Consent

MMT will obtain your consent before or when it collects, uses, or discloses your Personal Information. Consent can be expressed, implied, or given through an authorized representative. You may withdraw your consent at any time (subject to any legal consequences of which you will be informed). MMT, however, may collect, use, or disclose Personal Information without your knowledge or consent in exceptional circumstances where such collection, use, or disclosure is permitted or required by law.

Principle 4: Limiting Collection

The information collected by MMT will be limited to those details necessary for the purposes it has identified for you or to perform the services you have requested. Information will be collected by fair and lawful means.

Principle 5: Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

Personal information will only be used or disclosed for the purpose it was collected unless you have otherwise consented. Personal information may only be retained for the amount of time needed to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

In certain exceptional circumstances, MMT may have a legal duty or right to disclose Personal Information without your knowledge or consent concerning matters that concern the public's interest.

Principle 6: Accuracy

MMT will keep Personal Information as accurate, complete, and current as necessary to fulfill the identified purposes for which it was collected. You may have this information amended where it is found inaccurate or incomplete.

Principle 7: Safeguarding personal information

Personal information is safeguarded using measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

The Kind of Information we Collect

MMT gathers and uses Personal Information to provide you with the requested services, namely, the information needed to make inquiries on properties effectively. MMT may also use your Personal Information to update you about our services and offer you additional products or services that you may be interested in so that we can continue to serve your real estate needs.

If you visit the MMT website, we do not collect Personal Information about you unless you provide it. All information you provide us with is securely maintained and kept strictly confidential. This Privacy Policy does not apply to aggregated data from which it is impossible to determine a specific individual's identity. MMT reserves the right to use aggregated data in any way that it determines appropriate.

When you make any real estate inquiries featured on the MMT website, you agree to provide MMT and the REALTOR® receiving the request with recently performed searches and recently viewed properties, along with any searches or properties saved under the account where you have set up an account.

How we use your Information

At MMT, we use Personal Information to communicate with you to provide our services. We will only use Personal Information for the purpose we have disclosed. If we want to use your information for a different purpose, we will notify you and ask for your consent first.

When we are Permitted to Disclose your Information

MMT is obliged to keep your Personal Information confidential except under the following circumstances:

  1. When authorized by you: Many of the services offered by MMT require us to obtain Personal Information about you to perform the services you have engaged us to provide. We will always obtain consent from you first, and we will never use the information for purposes other than those we have told you about.
  2. You may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal implications (which we will inform you about). In some cases, if you do not consent to our use or disclosure of certain Personal Information, we may be unable to continue to provide all or part of the services you have requested.
  3. When permitted by law: The legislation has provided certain situations where MMT is legally permitted to disclose Personal Information without your consent. Examples include suspicion of illegal activities.

With Whom we may Share your Information

  1. MMT and Royal LePage® Canada: We engage and coordinate with Royal LePage® Canada to provide you with certain services offered through MMT. We are only given the information needed to provide the specific service for which we contracted with them. They are required to treat your Personal Information in a manner consistent with the MMT Privacy Policy.
  2. Sale of Business: We may transfer your personally identifiable information to a third party in connection with a sale, merger, or other disposition (whether of assets, stock, or otherwise) of our business.

Protecting your Personal Information

We use the strongest available browser encryption to protect your security and store all data on servers in a secure facility. Data is only accessible to our employees. Strict confidentiality agreements bind our employees, and a breach of this agreement would result in the employee's termination.

While we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that your data is secure and protected, there always remains the risk of a breach. The Internet can sometimes be insecure, and therefore we cannot guarantee security beyond what is reasonably practical.

Links to Other Web Sites

The MMT website contains links to other websites, including those of its business partners. MMT is in no way responsible and cannot guarantee the content or privacy of other sites linked on

Anonymous Information and "Cookies"

MMT may collect anonymous information about you. This means the information collected cannot be traced back to a specific person. For example, our servers may record certain information automatically when you visit the MMT website. This information is collected using "cookies" and might include the visited pages, your IP (Internet Protocol) address and other site usage statistics. This anonymous information is used for research and analytical purposes only (like evaluating how many visitors our websites receive or which pages they visit most often). It does not reveal any Personal Information about you, the user. This aggregate data may be disclosed to third parties, but never with personally-identifying information.

"Cookies" are small text files that contain a unique identification number that allows our computers to identify your web browser (but not you) each time you visit our website, we use cookies. The information helps MMT improve the site's functionality and enhance your session's navigation and security. Most major websites use this technology, and most browsers are set up by default to accept them.

You may configure your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, and you may refuse to accept them entirely. However, if you refuse to accept cookies, you may limit the functionality we can provide you when you visit our site.

Google Cookies

MMT uses Google Analytics to analyze the use of the website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about the website by means of cookies, which are stored on your computer. The information generated relating to the website is used to create reports about the use of the website. [According to Google they store and use this information and their privacy policy can be found here]

Your Rights

By using the MMT website, you consent to us collecting and using your information as described in this privacy policy. If updates to this privacy policy, such changes will be posted on this page; therefore, you are always aware of what information is collected and how we use it. Therefore, it is recommended that you review this page regularly.

This privacy policy was last updated in January 2023. Have questions feel free to contact us.