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Explore Real Estate Listings by Community in Ontario

Discover homes for sale in popular Ontario communities such as Toronto, Ottawa, and Mississauga. Browse listings throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and beyond.

Click, search, and discover more properties for sale. Use the community filters to find more locations, then click add next to each area to include it in your search.

Community Filters

Find towns and cities of interest by using these community filters.

The sixty plus filter gives you a list of communities that have more than 60 properties listed for sale.
The nearest you filter gives you a list of communities within a 30 KM radius of your current location.

The by type filter gives you a list of communities sorted by city, town, or village.

The most viewed filter gives you a list of the top 60 communities viewed the most.

The waterfront filter gives you a list of communities that are waterfront.

The alphabetical filter gives you a list of communities based on the selected letter.

The all filter lets you display a list of all 539 communities that have properties for sale.


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You need to reside in Ontario, Canada, to locate communities nearby. Please try one of the other filters.