Your Guide to Buying and Selling Real Estate

Whether a home buyer or seller — you will find valuable real estate information to help make the buying and selling process much easier!
  Best Price Competitive Real Estate Market
Home sellers

Maximize your leverage to get the best dollar when selling on your house during a competitive real estate market.

  Promoting an Open House Online
Home sellers

The open house is a critical part of the journey, try these tips to increase the traffic to your open house and make it a success.

  Overlooked Features when Buying Homes For Sale
Home buyers

It can be easy to overlook the little things, only to realize that home you purchased is not quite as perfect as you thought it would be.

  Three Popular 2018 Home Decorating Trends
Home buyers

If you recently bought a house check out these three popular trends for 2018 to re-invent your newly purchased space.

  Five Reasons Collingwood Real Estate Market
Home buyers

Five reasons why purchasing real estate in Collingwood might be the perfect place to invest your money.

  Spring cleaning tips to get ready for the Real Estate Market
Home sellers

Get your house ready for the South Georgian Bay real estate market with these helpful spring cleaning tips.