Tips for Downsizing to Collingwood Condominiums
Downsizing will always have its challenges, but don't let them out weigh the many benefits they can offer. Ensure you are prepared for what ever may come unexpectedly. Begin your search not by going on as many showing as possibly, but by taking the time to determine truly what is motivating you to consider entering your home on the Collingwood Real Estate Market. For some they find themselves making this decision based on financial reasons or as preparation for retirement. In both cases downsizing is a major life decision that can end up being very beneficial in the long run. If you motivation is financial you should bear in mind that smaller properties are not always a cheaper option, some condominiums and townhomes can be listed at a reasonable price but include an elevated condo fee compared to similar units. Using a trusted Collingwood REALTOR® to help guide you through the process and find you the perfect fit at a price you can afford. The Town of Collingwood is bursting with a variety of condominiums, apartments, and town houses, of which range in price as well as condition. Many people looking to downsize wish to have a condo that in "move in ready" condition which may carry a higher price tag. Perhaps you are looking for a small project property to work on and should consider an older, more inexpensive unit that could use generous upgrades. Regardless of the specifics of your future property, here are a few general tips to help you navigate your way through downsizing.
- — Today we all are part of a consumer society, acquiring large quantities of "stuff" which can become cluttered in our homes. Many of these belongings are things we rarely need or use but frequently end up sitting in storage collecting layers of dust. Take the time to filter through the things stored in your attic, basement, or garage and part with any items that you can. You can give many of these items to family members, charity organizations, or recycling facilities.
- — Downsizing your property means you will have far more furniture than the new dwelling can fit. Try turning a profit on things you cant donate or simply would prefer to sell. You can accomplish this by hosting a garage / yard sale and selling off some items you may consider as junk turning your potential dump run into a few extra bucks. Larger items such as furniture or appliances that are in good working order but simply too large, or no longer needed, can be put up for sale on sites such as Kijiji.ca with the added bonus that there is no cost in doing so.
- — Most Collingwood Condominiums and Town Houses are run by Condo Boards, which takes care of the exterior maintenance as well as any amenities the property offers. This costs money, which a Condo Board pays using condo fees. These fees are the responsibility of the residents of the condos and range from a less than a hundred dollars per month to over a thousand dollars per month depending on the location of the condo, and the particular Condo Board. This expense is well known when looking into condos, and you your Realtor® will inform you of how much the condo fees are when you consider a listing. In some cases these boards may over spend their budgets resulting in the need to increase the condo fees for a limited time to replenish the accounts. These short-term increases are called Special Assessments and can impact your fees substantially.
Downsizing to Condominiums in Collingwood
Your REALTOR® will help you determine whether or not condo life is right for you. The Town of Collingwood is a community that is bursting with condos and town houses for sale. Contact an agent to get for more information.