You will likely agree that if you are planning on putting your house on the real estate market, you will want to maximize its value. If you are not familiar with the best ways to do this however, it can seem intimidating and overwhelming to tackle a value-increasing project on your own. But what if we told you that there are a few simple things you can do that would help increase the value of your property? Read up on these easy-to-tackle remodelling tasks that will allow you to make the most of your home sale value.
Finish the Basement
Whether you finish the basement or opt to add another room to your home, increasing the usable square footage of your property is one of the most efficient ways to guarantee an increase in home value. The basement for most homes is just a clutter collector, but if you can make yours into a lounge, man cave, or play area for kids, this will be increasingly attractive to potential home buyers. The same applies for having an additional guest room or a small granny suite attached. And remember: these may seem costly, but that means the increase in value is that much greater!
Update the Basics
While it may seem as if increasing your home's value would require you to spend a lot of money renovating, updating simple things such as windows, siding, doors and fixtures can go a long way in making the property look more appealing and increase its value. This is especially relevant if you have old fashioned style windows, or siding that has become stained with age and weathered. Moreover, pay attention to current trends in siding colours and consider changing your front door to something unique and bespoke to make a statement on your property and act to draw in more home buyers.
Complete the Repairs
One of the first things to tackle is any outstanding repairs that will become an impediment to a successful sale. For example, if there are shingles missing on the roof, visible damage or problems to exterior features like the deck, or if windows and doors are not functioning, these will all need to be addressed prior to the home going up for sale. Inside the house, you can increase your home's value by updating any old systems such as the air conditioning system or the septic system. While many of these may seem like a high cost initially, it will be a great benefit to you when it comes time to list your house on the real estate market.
Focus the Remodelling
Tackling the home through remodelling as opposed to feeling the need to renovate is a great way to increase the value of the home without an extensive time or monetary requirement on your part prior to selling. Remodelling can be something as simple as changing the paint colours, changing fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen, or installing different shelves and tiles in the bathroom.
These projects can help you bring your home in-line with current decorating trends which are relevant to homes in Grey Bruce and Southern Georgian Bay area, as well as position your home as a contender for home buyers looking for a modernized home that requires minimal work after purchase.
Time to Sell your Home for Top Value
If it is time to sell your house contact one of our REALTORS® to enquire about increasing your home's value ahead of sale and to get some valuable information to help make your sale a success!